
Wednesday, 10 July 2013

30 Day Blog Challenge - Profess my love

Day 5 - Publicly profess your love and devotion for one of your blogger friends. What makes them great? Why do you love them? If you don't have blogger friends, talk about a real-life friend or even a family member.

The only blogger friend I really have is my sister. I'm not proficient in blogging yet, and so don't know many people. I want to publicly profess my love for her because she's amazing. My sister, Mhairi, is dyslexic, and has huge issues with her confidence, but she hasn't let that stop her from blogging. I have a special post all ready to post for her, but I can't yet.

I love my mum and dad and my family. I am terrible at keeping in touch with every single one of them, and it makes me feel terrible. I never phone my Gran, yet I think of her all the time. I am so consumed with my life this year, that I have been a terrible daughter and granddaughter. I need to make changes, and quickly.

I love my boyfriend. We don't have a terribly conventional relationship for many reasons, but his faith in me never wavers, even when I don't deserve it. We're both hard work at times, but the one thing we do that keeps us going even in the tough times is laugh. We laugh all the damn time. Even when it's not entirely appropriate. When I'm feeling at my worst, he makes me feel better by making me laugh. I love that about him

I also want to profess my love for my boys. My God, they are perfect. I will one day write something really special for them. I want to write it, because one day I won't be here, and on the days where they ever wonder if I truly loved them, they can look here and know that I did. With all my heart. 

Check out the other ladies taking part in the challenge! 


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