Day 2 - Educate you on something I know a lot about or I am good at.
Oh crikey, really? I’m not a confident person and don’t have much faith in my ability to do most things. If ever I brag or boast, it’s usually a false cover to hide the fact I’m bricking it.
In fairness, there are things I’m good at; cooking is one of them, but I’m not sure I could educate you on the finer details of boiling an egg, because the boiled egg is my nemesis – probably because I don’t like eggs unless they’re in a Spanish tortilla!
There are certain things I make that absolutely rock. Really simple things, but I somehow rock them. Chicken Schnitzel is a favourite. So simple and I swear by Panko breadcrumbs. Don’t deep fry, but shallow fry in about a cm of olive oil. You’re onto a winner. I make the meanest Italian ragu outside of Italy. My lasagne won the heart and mind of my (now) pot-bellied beefcake that is my boyfriend. He had a six pack when I met him. *sigh*
I don’t believe in packet mixes (she says after cheating with a packet mix for a chilli con carne), and if I can make it from scratch, I will. For me, it all boils down to time. Even my pasta sauces are made from scratch. All my sauces and casseroles, even my Bolognese, are cooked low and slow, and for hours.
Something I know a lot about and nothing at all is ARPKD. I don’t think I could educate you on that, because it’s so complicated for me. It’s a polycystic kidney disease and my son has it. You can read about it here.
Check out the other ladies taking part in the challenge!
Nikki from
Toni from
Kaye from
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