Day 4 - Favourite quote and why I love it.
I have a fair few favourite quotes, in fact, they are all on my Facebook 'about me' section. The range from the sublime (you know, the one's that make me appear educated), to the utterly ridiulous (you know, the one's that make me seem, well, ridiculous. I have quotes from Micheal Angelo, right down to Christoper Robin from Winnie The Pooh.
Here is my most favourite:
"Note how democratic is the earth. Today a respectable married couple sleeps on the same bit of ground that yesterday suffered a couple living in sin. Tomorrow a priest may sleep there, then a murderer, then a blacksmith, then a poet; and, like shipwrecked persons whose lifeboat has delivered them safely to shore, they will bless this bit of ground, for it gives them the illusion of security."
Machado de Assis, Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas (1881)
I don't actually have a clue who Machado was; I really should investigate. I love the quote because it reminds me of that saying about how we shouldn't judge others just because they sin differently than we do. It's so true. I think it speaks of materialism and our need for security and it doesn't always matter where we find it. Whatever walk of life we're from, we are all made up of the same hopes, dreams and fears; we all cling on to a sense of security, yet judge the man who walks besides us because they aren't like us. Just one of those things that makes me think.
"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night."
— Steve Martin
Just because!
Check out the other ladies taking part in the challenge!
Nikki from
Toni from
Kaye from
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