
Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Winter Blues

So the kids went back to school yesterday. I'm hoping for a return to my version of the norm, but I fear I'm already dragging my heels into 2013. In my defence, I've been ill, but I do annoy myself with how long it takes me to get going to do anything at all. I've lost 3lb in my first week. I am happy with that. Very happy. But I think I could have lost more if I'd gotten up off my arse and exercised. On top of that we have what looks to be the winter blues. Even my son with ASD who likes to wake up at midnight and thinks it's time to get up and play is sleeping more than usual. Do you struggle with exercise in the winter? How do you exercise at home? Are you motivated? I need tips!

Saturday, 5 January 2013


How do you deal with cravings. Yesterday was a mere three days into my healthy eating plan and I struggled more than I care to admit. How I didn't attack the baking cupboard for cooking chocolate, I'll never know. I did eat three Special K bars one after the other, but in my defense, I really am not feeling well. My excuse and I'm sticking to it!

To be honest, I wouldn't say that I'm craving anything in particular. I just want fatty, tasty stodge! I'm one step away from licking the butter pot, it's that bad! Am I craving it because I'm not well or is it because I'm a greedy so and so who hasn't adjusted to the idea of a 'diet' yet?

Thursday, 3 January 2013


Today I'm thinking about motivation. It really does take a lot to get me going. I've started a healthy eating plan and while I intend to stick to it, I have to admit that it's going to take a monumental effort on my part to carry on and see just about anything through. I'm also thinking about unintentional saboteurs. You know the kind: 'Here, have a cake. One little cake won't hurt,' 'Have a drink, it's only one,' 'You'll never stick to it...' And the list goes on. We've probably all been guilty of sabotaging someone's good intentions at one time or another, but when we're the ones on the receiving end, boy, is it annoying. I live my life with the best of intentions, and wish I had a whole set of skills to keep me going onwards toward unbound greatness and achievement. Sadly, I can't organise the kitchen cupboards at times, so keeping myself on the straight and narrow with exercise and healthy eating, while trying desperately not to succumb to a Snickers is going to be some feat.

In the past I would have taken negative comments to heart and told myself they are right and I should just give up. I would then give up. I don't want to give up. I'm not giving up. Today's challenge is to get myself out of the house long enough to get some fresh air and exercise at the same time. I am eternally lazy, I hate walking, but that's what I'm going to do today. Despite the fact I'm one step away from coughing up a lung, I'm going to do it. Viruses suck.

So what gets you motivated, does it take a lot?

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

The F-Word

First off, if you don't like the F- word, you're not going to like this post. Fat. There, I said it. I'm fat. More importantly, I'm unfit. I don't baulk at the fat word, nor do I always see myself as fat, but I am clinically obese, and I need to change that without losing an ounce of my femininity and the very things I like about myself.

I don't like to set myself up for immediate failure, therefore, I don't make resolutions that I can't stick to. Invariably, that means I don't make any at all, because I'm not very good at sticking to things. You may think, 'well,  at least she's honest.' I'm not honest, I'm lazy.

2013 is going to be a year of determined change. At 36 years young, I think it's high time I grow up and create a positive outlook for myself. Actually, not just for me; this is for my children, too.

The first change I want to make - let's call them changes, I might just stick to it - is to lose weight and get healthy. I don't want to get thin, I want to get healthy. With already existing health problems, I want to make my life a little easier when walking up the stairs, when out walking, or even just cleaning the house. To put it bluntly, I'm a short arse. A short arse with a big arse. I like my bum, that's not the issue, I don't always feel big, but I do feel unfit. I'm aiming to change that part of me the most.

My younger sister also has weight issues she's trying to tackle for very different reasons. She wants to be a mummy to her own child. To do this, she has to lose weight to be eligible for IVF. I'm doing this with and for her. I want to be a support so that when she's struggling to put that can of Irn Bru down, I can struggle with her. I want her to be a mummy, too.

Today, my starting weight is 'fat'. Tomorrow I'll be a little less fat. I'm blogging because it means I can talk about it without talking about it. Follow my story here. I've already refused a sugary drink and a bar of chocolate today. I feel lighter already!

Wonder if I'll exercise today.....